Private...Sort Of

Many months ago I created tabs at the top of our blog to share things about our boys individually.  I was so impressed with my skills that I couldn't stop patting myself on my back.  It looked a little something like this:

But I'll be honest, those little buttons took me at least an hour to do.  When it comes to making websites, I'm completely illiterate. But for all that hard work, I think my precious buttons went unnoticed.  Anyway, now that I've pointed it out, I'm sure everyone will begin flocking to our boys' sites...

However, all good things must come to an end.  I'll be making those links private.  If you're not a weirdo, and don't plan on using things we post about our boys for nefarious purposes, leave a comment and I'll consider putting you on the VIP list. 

For the time our main blog will remain open.  I'm not sure my parents know what it means to "log-on", or even "leave a comment".  Baby steps...