What A Riot!

We have been meaning to post this video for quite some time. When I say 'we', you know what I mean... The process of converting video from our camera onto our computer, and then onto iTunes, is an extremely complicated process. It involves clicking with both the left and right buttons on the mouse, dragging icons here and there, saving it as "Joshua Laughing", etc. I would explain all the details, but then you'd all probably ask me how to put attachments with emails as well. I just don't have time for that.

Just sit back and enjoy the show. If this doesn't put a smile on your face, you have a heart of stone.

Check back soon, I've got some good stuff coming...


Heidi said...

That is hilarious! The kiss on the end was very sweet! Aren't their kisses the best.

Griffeth Family said...

Lexi loved watching her Boyfriend. She was giggling right along with him.

Megan said...

That was adorable. Annabelle was on my lap grinning the whole time saying' Hi baby!" You got him laughing for quite some time - it looked like a good work out for him. Love the 'open mouth' kiss too.

Rustino Scar said...

hey...send those pictures on over

Katie said...

You're supposed to comment on our post....

Zach and Erika said...

I think that is my favorite sound! Laughter from little kids! I loved it!

Millers said...

that is pretty hilarious. what were you doing to get him to laugh?