Familiar face

I've been told I look like I belong in Ryan's family. There have been a few times that I was actually confused for Ryan's sister Nikki. I've always been extremely flattered and secretly proud to look like an Allen girl; I mean, have you seen Ryan's family? (Hard thing to marry into, my friends). However, it dawned on me the other day, that it's not that I look like them, it's that I look like everybody.
To support my case: In middle school, teachers always confused me with a friend named Heidi. In high school it changed to friends named Mary and Tiffany. At church, people thought my YW leader could've been my older sister. Here's a funny story: the 1st counselor in the Bishopric at my home ward (in high school), came up to me one day and asked me how Lagoon was. I told him that I hadn't gone to Lagoon. Turns out this man had actually gone up to talk to "me" at Lagoon, and came home still believing it was me who (or whom?) he talked to. I have also been told I look like Tara Lapinski, Mandy Moore, and Liv Tyler (Yeah...I think a few were meant as flattery since they came from the opposite sex....hmm...smart).
Since being here in New York, I've been literally confused for Jamie, Katie S., Aubri, Ali, and Catlin in my church ward. Ward members, landlords (apt is in the same house), and neighbors have all told Catlin and I many many times that we look like sisters....really Catlin, it's me, not you.
Maybe all of this mixing-up because I tend to adopt other people's mannerisms. I honestly can't stop myself from talking, laughing, or acting like the people I'm with. -I know I'm doing it, I just don't know how to stop it.- Maybe I'm just a wanderer with no true identity. Maybe I should dye my hair red...there aren't as many redheads in the world...Anyway. I don't know the true point of this post, except now I feel that because I look like everybody, I really look like nobody. At least that means I don't have some huge ugly nose or something...heh, just a pokey-out ear. :)
In all actuality, I look exactly like my dad, except I come in the female version. My sisters looks exactly like my mom. So, funny enough, my real-live blood sister, Erin, and I don't ever get confused for the other. Maybe it's because she has a natural tan. Life can be so unfair.

Here's my real family. Miss dark-skinned Erin is near the back.

Ryan's mom and sisters and me. Sigh, and I used to think I was one of them...

My pseudo-sister Catlin.

Jaimie, after we all ran the 4mile race around Central Park. (Wish you were still in Staten Island!)

Katie S. Tell me that's not gonna confuse some older women...

Aubri. And no, Ryan didn't grow 8 inches...

The man who started it all...

PS. Please don't be mad if I posted about you....:)


Mary said...

i get the "you look like someone i know..." a ton too but i dont think anyone ever told me i look like you in hs that can remember- oh and by the way congrats on baby number 3!

Katie said...

It was Mr. Weaver in health class, I believe.

Griffeth Family said...

I know what you mean. Bishop Walker once thanked me for the excellent talk "I" (katie shafer) had given in sacrament meeting. Funny Stuff!

Megan said...

Kind of crazy, but you do look similar to all those people. At least, I can see where they might get the idea. I never get mistaken for my sisters, but I have been for Ross' sister. Also, if you die your hair red you will get told you look like every red head. Seriously. I get told I look like every red head actress there is and I know I don't look like them. Marcia Cross? I don't have those cheek bones, I am not 40 and she doesn't have a face full of freckles. lol. But I will take the Isla Fisher one anyway ;)

And you are almost to the half way mark! Yay! That is a good milestone. And you don't even look pregnant yet. I hate you for that.

Brooke said...

If it makes you feel any better, my mom mistook you for Erin the other day at church! She sent me the picture. You guys look great! I just wish I was up there to see you in person too! I miss you!

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