Workout Videos

I'll be honest, I can't understand workout videos. Katie's tried bribing me to do them with her. I just feel silly.

For those who know my wife, I'd think you'd have to admit how impressive it is the amount of time she spends working out. I'm lucky in a week if I exercise 1/50th as much as she does. She is crazy, though not certifiably. She's going to be running marathons into her 60's, while I'm in a walker.

Here is her most recent purchase off Ebay:

There's only one workout series that I could watch and do over and over. Body Flex with Greer Childers. This woman is amazing, see for yourself:

The reason I bring this up is because of a guy I saw on the subway the other day. He was watching a workout video on his iPod, sitting there on the #4 train. I spent a good 15 minutes watching him, and trying to come up with a single reason as to why he was watching that video. I came up with exactly... none.

Like I said, I can't understand workout videos.

Under Construction

We're in the process of updating our blog. We lost all the links to friends blogs, so if you feel yours should be on here, post a comment with your blog address. Don't be shy.

Also, if your blog is private and you'd like to invite us so that we can read it, ryanballen(at)gmail(dot)com & katiefallen(at)yahoo(dot)com. If you're reading ours, isn't it fair that we can read yours? :)

In other news, Carter has started trying to scoot around, Josh is trying to poop in the potty, and Katie is trying to keep from going crazy due to all the poop that doesn't end up in the potty.