For those who know my wife, I'd think you'd have to admit how impressive it is the amount of time she spends working out. I'm lucky in a week if I exercise 1/50th as much as she does. She is crazy, though not certifiably. She's going to be running marathons into her 60's, while I'm in a walker.
Here is her most recent purchase off Ebay:
There's only one workout series that I could watch and do over and over. Body Flex with Greer Childers. This woman is amazing, see for yourself:
The reason I bring this up is because of a guy I saw on the subway the other day. He was watching a workout video on his iPod, sitting there on the #4 train. I spent a good 15 minutes watching him, and trying to come up with a single reason as to why he was watching that video. I came up with exactly... none.
Like I said, I can't understand workout videos.