How can you not melt? Josh loves Landon, Landon loves Josh. Josh is always saying, "Oh, he's just so cute!"

Cute Mr. Landon. I love how Ryan's in the pictures but not really "in" the pictures.

We should start playing the "Where's Ryan?" game.
Landon's first time in the tub. He did not appreciate going in while hungry. It was pretty funny, actually. He kept trying to drink the water. No worries though, I told him no way.
Cute chubbiness.
Big brother Josh. He wears that helmet every day. All day.
Big brother Carter. He loves him some football.
Love those checks! Katie I am so impressed that you are running a half marathon in March! My friends are moving up to DC in a few weeks and I told them I would be staying with them so I could run in the race, but I think I missed the dead line to enter:(
Gasp! I haven't entered, I just remember!
loved the chubby pics!
loved the chubby pics!
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