**Disclaimer: To those of you who have children under the age of 1, the content of this post may be upsetting to you, read at your own risk!!
When people talk of miracles, it can include a plethera of things. Some think that seeing a picture of the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich is a miracle. To others, Moses parting the Red Sea is a miracle. Ok, the second one really is a miracle, the first one is just...well...cheesy. Let me tell you about another miracle: my son Josh.
I know that parents typically like to brag about their children. But this is not bragging, this is fact-telling.
FACT: He rolled from his stomach onto his back when he was 2 3/4 weeks old (I have it on video)!
FACT: He only cries when he is hungry, poopy, or tired!
FACT: He has the prettiest blue eyes of any baby on the planet!
FACT: At the tender age of 2.67 months he began standing up while holding onto my fingers for minutes on end!
FACT: The other day he stood up to the coffee table, by himself, for 13 seconds!
FACT: He is 4 months old now, and can practically sit up by himself (well, within a month or two he will be anyway...)!
FACT: The third time we tried feeding him baby food, he ate everything we threw at him (and it was peas nonetheless)!
FACT: It appears that he will be able to curl his toes under his feet and stand on his knuckles like his father!
FACT: He now has the perceptual ability to put his binky back into his mouth (at least 10% of the time)!
FACT: I could go on and on about him!
The picture above is of us playing one night after I got home from school. Typically we will play Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, or Hungry-Hungry Hippos, but this evening we decided to go with the classic "Stand up and laugh" game. It was a smashing success!
That is the cutest picture of Josh! It's amazing how you were able to crop Katie out of the picture since she was holding him up.
I hope that some day I will have a baby that amazing. I pray for that every day!
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