As I was walking to school, I saw a well dressed man... with a purse. That's right, he was wearing a purse. Do these things have names? Male purses? Murses? It made me realize that I am SO not with the times.
For the rest of my walk to school, and sitting here before class, I can't help but realize how un-stylish I really am. I decided that I am always a couple years behind the trends. Case in point: right now I am listening to James Taylor - a man who hit his stride in the early 70's.
Let me share with you a few other examples that come to mind all to quickly to support my early morning insight:
The year was 1990. I had no influence over the clothes I wore. Heck, I didn't know what was in style, I was in 3rd grade for heaven's sake. I blame my lack of style on my parents. This video says it all. You can, however, see my mad hops and crazy speed. By the way, my lamb's name was Rocky (due to Rocky I).
There was one thing in which my parents were spot-on: my hair-do. I believe that I was totally hip when it came to hairstyles. To tell you the truth, though, I think I held on to it just a little too long. And that I blame on a scoutmaster I had. He told me that my hair was the kind that drove the girls crazy. That was when I was 10. I should've ditched the 'do' by the early to mid-90's, instead of 1998...

Truth be told, my wardrobe in the early 90's consisted ENTIRELY of fluorescent colored clothes that my mom made. Greens, blues, oranges, pinks - that's right, I said pinks. I am the original man's man. Don't get me wrong, my mother is wonderful, and bless her heart for the time and effort she put in to making my clothes! Thanks mom!
There was a time in the early 90's where it was cool to roll your socks down. Not fold, ROLL! Anyone remember this? For me it was in like 5th and 6th grade. By the time I got the courage to jump on the bandwagon I was in 8th grade. Why did nobody tell me how lame I looked?
I still wear clothes that I had in 9th grade. Count 'em, that's 11 years ago. Don't ask me how this is possible.... I have a hard time believing it myself. Now I've just admitted that my present fashion sense is tied back to 1997.
Apparently I need some help. Feel free to post comments, all of you who watch "What Not To Wear," "10 Years Younger," "Queer Eye," or "Ambush Makeover."
P.S. Fluorescent clothes are still WAY cool. This is an EXACT replica of 80% of my clothes back in the day. My mom made this for me last Christmas. I AM on the cutting edge on this. Feel free to follow my lead.
Also, James Taylor still rocks!
Seriously, where can I get some of those sweet clothes? Let the bidding begin! Ten …… Twenty ……… Fifty …………………One Hundred ………… Sold!
Ryan, I have to agree with you, James Taylor does still rock! In fact, Kory and I were listening to James Taylor for a good part of our day yesterday. I think we fall into your same "behind the times" category though. Kory still wears the boot cut jeans instead of those girly tight jeans you see all the guys walk around in these days. It's a shame. ;)
Oh, and fluorescents had their place and nobody should mock them. I remember doing my sister's entire paper route for a week and as payment I received a box of fluorescent crayons. Needless to say, I was stoked! Good luck on your quest to bring sexy, a.k.a. fluorescent, back!
Don't you watch Seinfield?! A man purse is called a "European carryall" and I think you should definately acquire one :)
I am so not instyle anymore. Low-rider pants are not comfortable at all, so I refuse to wear them anymore. My dad really likes James Taylor! Just kidding, so do I.
Ryan this is Marcia, I think your blog is hilarious!! And your son is quite handsome I must say!!!
The only thing mom was missing in her throw-back fluorescent outfit, was to make it 3 sizes too small. Maybe you could dry it a couple of times. I would give you $20 to wear that outfit to class one day.
Add a couple zeros and I totally will!
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