Today's our five year wedding anniversary. I think that we can now be considered "old-timers" with today's standards, right? It's been a great five years. It's been five years of learning, compromising, playing, laughing, hoping, and loving.

There's a quote that someone gave us from Gordon B. Hinckley, the previous prophet from our
church, and it says: "I believe in the family where there is a husband who regards his companion as his greatest asset and treats her accordingly; where there is a wife who looks upon her husband as her anchor and strength. The cultivation of such a home requires effort, and energy, forgiveness, and patience, love, and endurance, and sacrifice; but it is worth all of these and more."I love that. When we first got married and I read the quote, I was like, "Alright, Ry, I'm supposed to be your greatest asset!" But I didn't really think of my part in the equation....As life has moved forward, I've begun to learn that I have to improve myself first (which, surprisingly I have a lot of improvements to make :) before I can improve my marriage or family.

I feel like this is a confessions of sorts, but I'd like to share a learning moment: One day Ryan mentioned something that he was frustrated with about me, but I knew I was in the right, and I was frustrated with
him for not being more understanding. He let it go, and I went to get ready for the day. When I was alone, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I was %100 wrong. I was not only taking advantage of Ryan, but I was being ungrateful while doing it. The worst part is that I was in the wrong for
quite the extended period, and Ryan hadn't made a big deal about it. The whole time I had no idea I was being inconsiderate until that day (even though Ry had made hints, I just thought I knew better than he did, I'm mature like that). I felt pretty awful...and...humbled? I was grateful that Ryan had been so patient with me. Had roles been reversed, I would have been on his back trying to get him to "change". I've always been trying to learn how to relax the "high-nagging" mode I tend to be set on, but now I'm taking this quest seriously. To me, in that instance, Ryan showed true love ("wuv...twue wuv"). The love that isn't always fun (sorry, my fault), but that keeps things glued together. I love the "dating-I think-I'm-in-love" love and the "engaged-oh-man-this-is-it" love, but this "married-sacrificing-and-putting-up-with-each-other-best-friend" love is pretty awesome. And Ryan is pretty amazing. He's patient, he's much better at being non-judgmental than me, he's witty, he's smart, he's good looking (had to add that), he's in love with his two boys, and he's committed to our marriage, and I know it. What more could a girl ask for? Love you, Ry.
Happy Anniversary! We'll watch your kids tonight so you can go do something fun. :)
Congrats on five years.
Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad Ryan married you, now you just need to work on moving closer so we can actually see you! :)
haha love the princess bride pun :) 5 years does feel like an accomplishment doesn't it! Well I guess we haven't officially hit our mark yet but I'll let you know in another 4 days!
Congrats to you guys! I can remember the night he asked you to marry him. Doesn't seem like that long ago...
Congrats on 5 years! I like your insights, I'll have to remember those things too!
we are now in New York, so if you ever find yourself in the Cortland area feel free to stop by. :)
Katie, happy anniversary!! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've been thinking about you. That sounds creepy. Well, it is what it is.
Good post--the right combo of touching, funny, and with minimal cheese for an anniversary post. I liked it, a lot.
happy anniversary!
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