Living Life with Love

After a tragedy that struck some of our best friends with their sweet angel nephew, I've started thinking about what's truly important in life. When someone leaves this life, we cling to them, not wanting to let them go. We think about all the things we were going to do with them, all the things we wish we'd have told them, and the things we wish we would have let slide. It makes money, cute clothes, big houses, and popularity seem so non-important. Anyway, I've decided I need to "cling" more now to the things that are most important--the gospel, my family, and my friends. I need to follow former Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley's example and focus on the good and wonderful in life and trust in my Savior when the bad comes. I hope you all know we care about you and that we appreciate you in our lives. What a gift a life is to those whom it touches.

Josh had prime seating in the "Allen Theater" before we installed his new car seat.

Josh is notorious for twisting his binky until the string is as shown in the picture above. He doesn't feel "just right" until the string is between the binky and his lips.

Josh has come to the stage where he gets into everything. Luckily this cupboard only holds cans of food, nothing too dangerous. I'll open it to try and keep him entertained while I do dishes, but usually he'll end up holding onto the back of my pants nervously waiting for me to pick him up.


Erin said...

Thanks for the reminder to cherish what we have while we have it!! Your little guys is getting so big!! He is darling :)

Megan said...

Oh what a fun stage of getting into everything - at least soon he will be able to help you clean up his messes right?! Good luck this weekend!

Matt said...

Katie, I have been thinking of you today. I hope your run was really fun. I wish I could say I have ran a 1/2 marathon. You go girl!