Just thought I'd let you know how we are all doing. Life is going well for us. Ryan is still hanging in there with school (I hope) after he took some time off for the flu. We all had it, so Ry was the mom for a couple days and then sick for a few days. He's doing well with school, especially with the lab where they drill teeth and the like. Personally, I think that's the most important part for a future dentist, so I'm grateful he does well with that; especially since he'll be my dentist.
As for me, I'm running a half marathon in Washington DC on the 29th. I'm pretty excited to be going to DC. Isn't that a great upper to living back east? How many people get to run in the nation's capitol? Well, besides the thousands running the race with me....Anyway, I've run 10+ miles twice, which normally would be exciting for a girl like me, but I've been having a rough time keeping my blood sugar regulated while I run. (For those that don't know, I'm diabetic.) I think I have a psychological issue :) with running long distances. On the day of a long run, my blood sugar stays really low, regardless of how much I eat. (I go low when I get stressed, and it's hard to trick my mind by pretending I'm not apprehensive.) So here I am running on a full stomach, and I have to eat 3-4 packages of fruit snacks to keep my blood sugar up while on the run. Needless to say, near the end I really want to throw up. At least I know I can go the distance (break into song, anyone?); now I just need to figure out how to avoid blood sugar lows....interesting, I know. :) I'm really looking forward to the half-marathon though. Before my "training" I was wanting to run a full marathon, but now I think this will suffice. I'll let you know how it goes.
Josh is just as fun as ever. He's falling over all the time now, so that part is a bit rough, but he's getting so big and old. He's at the point where he can take himself wherever his curiousity wants to go, so I have to watch him pretty close. He's almost walking (we'll probably be saying that for a few months) and he understands a lot more of what is going on. He's become a momma's boy for the most part, but there always that time when he only wants his dad. Usually that's after he's spent all day with me and dad finally comes home.As I said before, life is good. We have so many blessings, and so many good friends and family members. We love you all and hope you have a great week.
P.S. If anyone needs a little buddy, just pay for postage and we'll take care of the rest!
you guys sure know how to make a cute baby!!
good luck with the half marathon! you are so amazing - you always inspire me :D
I hope the half marathon goes well. That should be amazing running in DC in the spring. Hopefully all the trees will be in bloom and they'll distract you from the fact that you are running 13.1 miles!
Josh is so adorable, btw. What a cutie.
Katie, half marathon awesome! What qualifing races did you do? I want to come and run with you.
Way to go Katie! I didn't know you were running a half. Good luck! Cute cute Josh!
Wow, good luck with the run! That sounds so cool to be running in D.C. I need to take your example and get running. Josh is looking adorable!!
Your babies looking so big. It crazy how fast they grow. Good luck on your half marathon, I would like to do one towards the end of summer.
Hey good luck with the half marathon. I've decided to try a triathlon this year. I'm pretty nervous but I'm excited to have a goal so I can get exercising back into my life. I'll be rooting for you.
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